Welcome to our JK and SK Blog post.
I hope you have had an enjoyable summer with your families.
My name is Mrs. Laura Perry. This year I will be entering my 18th year teaching at Grace Christian School. Of those 18 years, 8 have been team-teaching with the lovely Mrs. Judy Squires. We love spending our days with the youngest students in our great school.
Thursday morning your child will need:
- Kit bag
- Lunch Box containing a Healthy snack (no candy, chips or pop is permitted in the kindergarten classroom) Healthy lunch / drink in a spill proof container
- A change of shoes
- A change of clothes (undergarments, socks, top and pants *please label with your child’s name)
Our verse for the school year is:
Colossians 3: 1-2
If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
Please pick up your children at the end of the day (3:00pm) outside in front of our kindergarten window.
- Please do not allow your children to play in the parking lot or on the edges of the parking lot, by taking their hand and leading them to the school or your vehicle. Let’s help keep our children safe!
- Children are only permitted on the playground if a parent is present with them on the playground.
- If you are unable to pick up your child, please ensure that you remind your child’s ride of these procedures.
- This week (Thursday and Friday) parents of our Junior and Senior Kindergarten students will have the opportunity to lead their children to our Learning Studio. Beginning next week, parents will not be permitted down our hallways as this is a Secure Building.
- After Friday, only students and GCS staff are permitted in the classrooms or hallways, including at morning drop off time.
- Also, please remember that during school hours, parents and visitors must report to the school office (to the right when you enter the main school doors).
- Parents that need to pick up or talk with their children or to drop off lunch, supplies, etc are to go to the school office to have the child brought to the office if required.
Looking forward to beginning a fresh new year partnering with you.
Mrs. Laura Perry