Welcome back after the March break! I hope all students are feeling refreshed and ready to tackle our first short week back.


The snow is all gone, and spring has officially sprung! It is getting more and more sunny outside, but please remember that sun does not always mean it is a warm day. Please keep an eye on the temperature and have your child dress accordingly.

Bible Memory Verse

The next Bible memory verse will be due on April 24. It is Psalm 119:73. “Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding to learn your commands.”

Lacrosse Day

Brad Bissett has organized a lacrosse day for all students grades 1-6 on Tuesday, April 10th from 3:00 till 4:30. Students should wear athletic footwear and clothing. This will be a wonderful opportunity for our students to learn about another sport.

A Knight to Remember Celebration

Tickets for A Knight to Remember are now available for purchase! On Friday, April 27th there will be an evening of fellowship and celebration as we honour Mrs. Anne Laird, Mrs. Elsie Barrett, and Mr. Neil Thompson for their significant contributions throughout their years of service at GCS thus far. Tickets for the event are $30 each and can be purchased at the school office. We encourage you to come out and show your support to these GCS Knights.

Important Dates

April 19 – Parent Teacher Conferences (pm)
April 20 – Parent Teacher Conferences (No Class)
April 27 –  A Knight to Remember Celebration
May 4 – Professional Development Day
May 5 – Family Fun Run

Upcoming Assessments

There are no scheduled tests this week. However, we will be doing a two-paragraph retelling about March Break. Rough copies of writing will be due by Friday so that they can be peer-edited. Good copies will be due on Tuesday of next week. A rubric will be sent home tomorrow so that students will know exactly what I am looking for in their writing.

See you tomorrow!