I hope everyone is refreshed after this blessed long weekend!  As we begin Fourth Quarter in earnest, please take note of the following announcements.

Report Cards

Thank you to all the parents who have returned their child’s report card envelope and parent form during Parent-Teacher conferences.  Please send in these two items with your child this week.  The report card is yours to keep.

Re-enrollment Month

Just a quick reminder that April is re-enrollment month at GCS.  As our school community continues to grow, it is increasingly important for families to pay their registration fees as early as possible.  Please see Ms. Fanning in the office to make your $200 re-enrollment payment.

Athletic Practices (Schedule Change For This Week)

Track and Field practices will be held Tuesday and Friday this week at GCS for any students who wish to come out from 3:00 – 4:00.  Basketball camps will run as usual on Wednesday afternoon.


  • Wednesday: Language Test
  • Thursday: Math Test
  • Friday: Spelling Test 26

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Smylie