It’s the last week of October and there are only two weeks left in the first quarter of the school year! Please take note of the following information and upcoming events.

Brrr!  It’s Getting Colder Out There!

It’s that time of year…colder weather is here!  Please be sure to send your child to school with all the clothing needed for keeping comfortable in the varying temperatures we face throughout the day.  Although the high temperature for the day may seem warm on some days, we don’t usually reach that temperature until later in the afternoon.  It is still often quite chilly at morning recess, and each student needs to be prepared for the weather conditions outside.  Extra socks would be very useful as the grass is dewy in the morning and sneakers get wet.

A Reminder for Music:

We are off to a great start in music class this year at GCS. We are enjoying listening to music, moving our bodies and playing instruments during class. Although it may seem early we are beginning to prepare for the Christmas season. Even though it may look a little different this year due to the Covid-19 regulations we are still going to celebrate, Jesus, the true reason for the season!

This year our students will have a wonderful opportunity to do something unique in the arts and to participate in yet another type of creative learning experience. The elementary students will be producing a narrated, pantomimed film entitled “Make Room for Jesus” as our Christmas presentation.

As usual, there are a few moving parts to make this presentation come together and we need your help.  We are asking that all elementary students come to school dressed in a dark bottom and a plain white top on Wednesday, October 28.  We are planning to film a specific outdoor scene during the school day. If the weather is inclement we will film on Thursday, October 29.  We are looking forward to beginning production.

Please contact Mrs. Wilting at if you need help getting these items or if you have any other concerns. I am looking forward to working with the students to create something memorable once again!

Assessments This Week

Tuesday: Math Quiz 3
Thursday: Language Test (Nouns and Verbs)
Friday: Spelling Quiz 6

Dates to Remember

Wednesday, Oct. 28 – Come to school dressed in a dark bottom and a plain white top.
Wednesday, Nov. 11 – Remembrance Day (NO SCHOOL)
Thursday, Nov. 12 and Friday, Nov. 13 – PD days (NO SCHOOL)

See you all on Monday!
Mrs. Smylie