And just like that, it’s the middle of October!
Please take note of the following announcements:
Dressing for the Weather
Although the weather has been fairly warm for October, it is important to note that the grass is usually wet in the morning. There have been many incidents of wet feet this past week. It would be a good idea to have an extra pair of socks tucked away in your child’s school bag.
Genius Hour Project
Over the past few weeks, our class has been working on a project that we hope to implement at some point during the school year. We have been learning about pollinators and ways in which we can help them. Stay tuned for further updates!
Since there was no school last Monday, it has been a while since the students have gone to the library with Mrs. Biech. If your child still has a library book, it should come to school on Monday.
Science and Technology Week – October 18-22
It’s that time of year again when staff and students of GCS celebrate our Creator and the wonder of science! We have lots of activities planned for next week, including a robotics demonstration, a 3D design challenge, and chemistry stations. Please note that Wednesday, October 20 is Dress like a STEAM Professional Day (STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math). That means that your child can come to school dressed as a person in any occupation that would use these disciplines. It is sure to be a fun-filled week of learning!
This Week’s Assessments
Wednesday: Math Test #2
Thursday: Capitalization Quiz
Friday: Spelling Quiz for List 5
Dates to Remember
Wednesday, Oct. 20 – Dress Like a STEAM Professional Day
Thursday, Nov. 11 – Remembrance Day (NO SCHOOL)
Friday, Nov. 12 – ACSI Teacher Convention (NO SCHOOL)
Monday, Nov. 15 – ACSI Teacher Convention (NO SCHOOL)
Have a beautiful weekend, everyone!
Mrs. Smylie