After a couple of short, busy weeks, I know I am looking forward to a bit more routine.  The kids did a great job with the recordings for the Christmas program and I can’t wait to see if put together!  Look ahead to see what is happening in our class this week!

Novel Study

You may have noticed your child come home with a book from class.  We have begun reading Song of the Brook together as a class.  Each evening they will be expected to read a chapter (written in agenda) each evening to be discussed in class the next day and complete a short comprehension quiz.  Please make sure your child is keeping up with reading to be prepared for class each day.

Vaccine Survey

Each student should have come home with a survey from Health PEI on Thursday.  Please read and complete the form and have it returned to school on Monday.

Christmas Outreach Project

Thank you to all those who sent in Christmas Shoeboxes.  We know those children will be so blessed with their gifts.  We are looking ahead now to those in our local community.  We have already received a few items for the Prince Edward Home residents.  As a reminder, our Grade 4 class will be responsible for hair care:  brushes, combs, shampoo/conditioner (male/female), and hair accessories.

Each class is being asked to purchase specific items.  In addition to these items, any GCS student can also purchase the following items: body wash kits, shampoo kits, scarves, decorative pillows, throws/blankets, jewelry, and/or vouchers/gift cards for Tim’s, McDonalds, or Pat & The Elephant. All residents can use toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, and moisturizing lotions.

Assessments this Week

Wednesday – Noun Quiz
Thursday – Math Quiz
Friday – Spelling Quiz 10, Bible Verse Quiz

Important Dates

Tuesday, Nov. 23 – School Picture Retakes

Have a great week!

Mrs. Biech