There goes October, and now there’s just one week left in First Quarter!
Map Presentation
For the past several weeks the students have been working on a map project in Social Studies class. This week they will be presenting their maps to their classmates.
Test “Folders”
Each week your child’s test folder (which is really a courier bag) is sent home so you can see how the previous week’s assessments went. Please be sure to return the test folder along with all its contents the next school day (or as soon as possible). All of your child’s assessments are being placed in a binder which will be sent home at the end of the school year.
Christmas Concert
A reminder that Mrs. Wilting has requested that all students have a long sleeve black top, black pants, and a pair of black socks for the recording of this year’s Christmas Presentation. All items should be sent to school in a Ziploc bag labelled with your child’s name.
This Week’s Assessments
Wednesday: Math Test #3
Friday: Spelling Quiz (List 7)
Dates to Remember
Friday, November 5th: End of First Quarter
Thursday, November 11th: Remembrance Day (NO SCHOOL)
Friday, November 12th and Monday, November 15th: ACSI Teacher Convention PD Days (NO SCHOOL)
Thursday, November 18th: Parent-Teacher Conferences (Evening)
Friday, November 19th: Parent-Teacher Conferences (NO SCHOOL)