Week of Nov. 30 in Grade 1

We had another great week in Grade 1. Please ensure that your child brings a clean mask to school every day. Our class has had numerous, varied students forgetting and needing to borrow them from the school almost daily (and we are getting low).

This Tuesday is the last day to bring in items for our Christmas Outreach Project. Our Class is collecting lip gloss, nail polish, and manicure sets that will be given to residents of the Prince Edward Home. Thank you to those who have already brought items in.  Thank you also for bringing in paper towel rolls. You’ll see the project we will be using those for as we learn more about Canadian symbols this week. Next week (Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2020)  our class will have a virtual field trip offered through the RCMP Heritage Centre as we learn about the RCMP Musical Ride and how the RCMP use dogs. I am very excited about this opportunity for our students.

Homework: Students will be working on their spelling list, 2 penmanship pages, and one sight words page. Homework is due Friday, but feel free to bring in before that.

Tests: This week students will have a phonics test on Wednesday, a math test on Thursday, and a spelling test on Friday.

Library: As always, please help your child remember to return school and class library books by Wednesday so they can pick out some new books.

Dates to Remember:

  • Tuesday, Dec.1 – Last day to bring in Christmas Outreach Project items.
  • Friday, Dec. 18th – Last Instructional Day of 2020 (1/2 Day)

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Bryenton
