Dear Parents,
I hope you’ve had time to enjoy another weekend of sunshine! This week we will be learning about contractions, more and less than math symbols, the 12 addition family, the Northwest Territories, paragraph structure, and much more.
Homework: Students will have one sight words page to complete and will be preparing for their spelling test.
Tests: Students will have a Phonics Test on Wednesday, a Math Test on Thursday, and a spelling test on Friday.
Theme Days!
Over the next few weeks, GCS will be having theme days as follows:
Monday, May 17th (tomorrow!): Sports Jersey Day
Tuesday, May 25th: Twin Day
Tuesday, June 1st: “Canada” Day (since we don’t get to celebrate this during the school year)
Please not that participation is completely optional! These days are meant purely for some fun, not to cause stress on families.
Dates to Remember
Monday, May 17th ~ Sports Jersey Day
Tuesday, May 18th ~ Grades 3-6 Track Meet (PM)
Thursday, May 20th ~ Arts Coffee House
Monday, May 24th ~ Victoria Day (NO SCHOOL)
Tuesday, May 25th ~ Twin Day
Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Bryenton