Week of March 30

We have now moved to a new learning platform through www.seesaw.com. Thank you for working with us and your child as we all become familiar with this new format of learning. I realize it means a significant amount of work on your part and I am so thankful for your partnership in continuing each child’s learning. If you have not already begun to participate, please sign in to seesaw as soon as possible. Every week you will receive an outline of student work that will be assigned for this week. This work needs to be completed through Seesaw and will be accompanied by other online learning activities. Please know that I am praying for your families as we all walk through this challenging time.

Wishing you peace that comes from above as we travel through the days ahead.

Ellie Bryenton


(Please add this to your blog)

Daily Physical Education Expectations

  1. Daily exercise and getting outside every day should be a special part of your daily family routine – we recommend at least 20-30 minutes a day.
  2. An email will be sent home to all families with an activity log template and an example of how the log should be filled in. We will include some activities and ideas to do with your child from your home or neighbourhood. Please use your discretion and follow all of the PEI public heath’s directives.
  3. Make sure that it is submitted into the Gym folder on Seesaw each Monday.
  4. From time to time we will be asking your child to submit on Seesaw videos of themselves doing our physical Fitness weekly challenges.
  5. Making a daily log of physical activity will help you recognize progress In the five major areas of physical fitness:
  1. Core strength (sit-ups)
  2. Upper body strength (push-ups)
  3. Flexibility (stretching)
  4. Agility (shuttle run)
  5. Cardio endurance (kilometer run)


Language Arts: (students in the ESL program exempted)

Reading: read next story in your readers

Handbook for Reading: pg. 97 (read over twice, encourage your child to think of other words that contain these special sounds)

Letters and Sounds 1: pg. 49 (for question 1 have your child record themselves reading the special sound words). Take a picture of your finished work.

Language 1: page 49-50 (use your neatest handwriting and make sure you use proper capitalization and punctuation). Take a picture of your finished work.

Math: Number order and in between numbers 1-100 online game activities through seesaw, pg. Pg. 135 + 136 in Arithmetic 1.

Art : Students will need paper, pencil, crayons,colored pencils or markers, small toys or other small objects and a light source (early morning or late afternoon sun or a lamp or a flashlight).

Students should begin to collect things like paper towel and toilet paper tubes, egg cartons, tissue and cereal boxes, clean milk jugs/cartons, juice cans/containers, etc. for upcoming art projects.

Bible: Students will create a Bible journal Page for Philippians 4:6.  You will find this activity by clicking on the activity tab n Seesaw.

Music:  Stay tuned for Music Minute with Mrs. Wilting: Music, Movement and More

Gym: Start your first week’s log of daily activity. An email was sent to parents with a downloadable file to fill in every weekday. This will be due Monday, April 6th.



Language Arts: (students in the ESL program exempted)

Reading: read next story in your readers

Handbook for Reading:  Special sounds “oo” in “book” and “oo” in “tooth” pg. 98-99 (read over twice, take a look at the link for more help distinguishing between these two sounds:

https://youtu.be/hDJQM9XxsCc )

Letters and Sounds 1: Special sounds “oo” in “book” and “oo” in “tooth” pg. 50-51 (for question 1 on pg. 50 have your child read the special sound words to you). Take a picture of your finished work.

Language 1: Opposites and Compound Words page 51-52 (use your neatest handwriting and make sure you use proper capitalization and punctuation). Take a picture of your finished work.

Math: comparing numbers to 100 game from https://pe.mathgames.com/skill/2.10-compare-numbers-up-to-100 , exploring the calendar on https://www.starfall.com/h/holiday/calendar/?t=290350298 , pages 137-138 in Arithmetic 1

French: Students will create the first of two posters on Seesaw as a review of colour words.  Look for a video from Mrs. Smylie on Tuesday morning. You will find it in the Activities section.

Bible: Students will watch three short videos from a series called “God’s Story”.  You will find this activity by clicking on the activity tab in Seesaw.

Science:  Students will watch a short video about the cold & flu, then conduct an experiment that teaches them what happens to “germs” when we wash our hands with soap. Mrs. MacNeill cannot wait to see your experiment photos and videos.

Library:  Mrs. Biech will be posting a link as we continue reading ch. 5-6 of The Double Dabble Surprise.


Language Arts: (students in the ESL program exempted)

Reading: got to https://www.getepic.com (see instructions below – your child will already know most of this), select one of the four books you have been assigned in “my library.” Read the book. Write 3 sentences about the book and what you learned. Take a picture of your sentences and record yourself reading them. Get Epic instructions: click on the link, click on “login”, “student/educator”, next add class code “gjh8246”, press “go”, select my library and choose which book you would like to read.

Handbook for Reading: pg. 100(read twice) Special sounds the “wor” in “worm” and the “igh” in “night”

Letters and Sounds 1: Special sounds the “wor” in “worm” and the “igh” in “night” pg. 52, and question #2 on pg.53. Take a picture of your finished work.

Language 1: Opposites and Compound Words page 53-54. Take a picture of your finished work.

Math: Introduction to simple fractions, identifying ¼ of an object. Students will watch an introductory video. They will choose a snack from home to divide into four equal parts (with the help of an adult). Arithmetic 1 pg. 139 q.1-2 and pg. 140 q. 2-4 (please measure in centimeters, not inches)

Social Studies: We will be learning about the provincial symbols of Saskatchewan and colouring in the provincial flag, flower, and bird.


Language Arts: (students in the ESL program exempted)

Reading: Read the next story in your readers.

Handbook for Reading: pg. 101-102 (read twice) Special sounds the “all” in “ball” and the “alk” in “walk.”

Letters and Sounds 1: pg. 54 Special sounds the “all” in “ball” and the “alk” in “walk.”

Language 1: Syllables and Compound Words page 55-56. Check out the links for a quick review of counting out syllables https://youtu.be/psUPYR235O8 and creating compound words https://youtu.be/3Ct1pSDKFeU. Take a picture of your finished work.

Journal Entry: Write three sentences to tell me about three things you like to do at home. Remember to use your neatest penmanship and to use proper capitalization and punctuation. Draw a picture to go with it. Posta picture of your work and record yourself reading your three sentences.

Math: Students will begin to understand what “a dozen” means and will begin to understand milliliters as a measurement of capacity. Students will be asked to find 4 objects in their fridge/cabinets and write how many millilitres are marked on each item. They will also be asked to circle the object that can hold the most. Students will be assigned “Filling Fast” capacity activity at www.mathletics.com. Arithmetic 1 pg. 141.

French: Students will create the second of two posters on Seesaw as a review of colour words.  Look for a video from Mrs. Smylie on Tuesday morning. You will find it in the Activities section. 

Bible: Students will submit a note on Seesaw in response to the video they watched.  Share your favorite part of the videos. You will find the activity in the activity section in Seesaw.

Science: Students will create their own “Proper Handwashing” videos after watching a short demonstration of the recommended techniques.


Language (students in the ESL program exempted)

Reading: Choose a short story from home (one you can read in five minutes). Record yourself reading your story.

Handbook for Reading: pg. 103-104 (read twice)

Introduction to root words, prefixes, and suffixes. https://youtu.be/mZ3TyZznTf0

Adding suffixes to root words seesaw activity

Letters and Sounds 1: pg. 55-56 the suffix “ing”

Language 1: Syllables pg. 57

Math Review of odd and even numbers. Students will watch https://youtu.be/-kHtGbnYKGc. Help your child read the temperature today. Arithmetic 1 pg. 143, 144 (q. 1, 3, 4), 145, and 146.

Social Studies: We will be learning more about the province of Saskatchewan through a brief video and will answer some questions about Saskatchewan’s provincial symbols.

Music: Stay tuned for Music Minute with Mrs. Wilting: Music, Movement and More