Dear Families,

I hope you have enjoyed a lovely March Break! We have full week ahead and I look forward to being back in the classroom with each of your children. This week we will be learning about adjectives, new special sounds, subtracting coins, interpreting clocks in five-minute increments, and we will begin learning about Newfoundland and Labrador. Please ensure your child comes to school prepared for the changeable weather this time of year can bring.

Homework: Students will be sent home a page to practice the 3 sight words of the week and will be preparing for their spelling test (lists will be sent home on Monday). Remember we are still in the Mathletics contest as well.

Tests: this week we will have a Phonics and Math test on Tuesday after spending significant time in review on Monday. We will have our Spelling test on Friday.

Looking forward to another great week!


Mrs. Bryenton