Grade 5 parents,
We are down to 2 more weeks of grade 5. Students will take the rest of this week to finish our final language project. Last week, students were given a list of mini assignments to choose from. Each assignment was worth an amount of points with a total of 800 to be reached in order to complete the project. This gave the class the ability to pick assignments that interested them and allowed them to use their unique skills. In math, we have continued learning new content. This week we will learn about square roots and review area and perimeter.
Field Trip
This Friday, grades 4 and 5 will travel to Brackley Beach in the morning. We will stay at the beach till noon and then travel to Victoria Park where we will eat our lunch from Wendy’s and play till the end of the school day. Last Friday, permission slips went home. The cost for our trip this year is $10. This includes travel and lunch expenses. You may pay with cash or e-transfer. If you are choosing to e-transfer, send it to with a your child’s name and field trip noted.
Tuesday – French Quiz
Thursday – Math Quiz
Thursday – Language Project (Due by end of class)
Important Dates
June 10th – Field Trip (Rain date: June 14th)
All for now,
Mrs. MacDougall