Despite having a shorter week than planned, we managed to get quite a bit done in three days! There is only one more week left in the second quarter. With that in mind, please take note of the following announcements.

A Continued Reminder: Dressing for the Weather

As we all know, our winter weather can be unpredictable at times. Please ensure that your child comes to school each day fully equipped for outdoor play. “Must have” items include: A warm winter snow suit (this includes snow pants), winter boots, mittens/gloves (an extra pair or two tucked away in the school bag are strongly recommended), and a winter hat. A neck warmer or scarf are also very useful for keeping snow from going into jackets, and an extra pair or two of socks is not a bad idea, either! We stay indoors when it is raining, when the playground is too covered in ice, and when it is colder than -20 degrees Celsius. Otherwise, out we go for some much needed fresh air and movement. It is best to just assume your child will be going outside and have them come ready for that likelihood.


Thanks to the two storm days we had at the beginning of the week, our Spelling quiz for List 15 will be postponed until Monday, January 30th. Please be sure to review the words over the weekend.

Upcoming Assessments

Monday, January 30th – Spelling Quiz 15
Wednesday, February 1st – Math Test 7
Monday, February 6th – Spelling Quiz 16

Important Dates

Monday, January 30 – Thursday, February 2 – Midterm Exams for Junior and Senior High School students
Friday, February 3 – Semester Turnaround Day (No Classes)
Thursday, February 9 – Quarter 2 Report Cards are published
Thursday, February 9 – Parent-Teacher Conferences for Elementary students (5pm-7pm)
Friday, February 10 – Parent-Teacher Conferences for High School students (9:30am-12pm)– NO SCHOOL

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Smylie