Dear Grade 3 families,

As our journey through online learning continues, my gratitude towards parents and my appreciation of my students’ demonstration of grit, resilience, flexibility, and overall determination just increases daily! I am acutely aware of how difficult and tiring this can become if we let it. Please remember that I am praying for each of you every day, as we all look forward to the day we can return to in-person learning.

Wellness Wednesday

On Wednesday, January 26th,  all GCS staff, students, and families are being asked to unplug from their remote learning responsibilities and to focus on their spiritual, emotional, physical, and social well-being.  We encourage families to consider ways in which you can recharge during this challenging time of isolation due to COVID-19 restrictions in our province by creating a bucket list of activities that you can do together to promote overall wellness.

Some ideas of what you can choose to do as a family are:

  • Go for a hike on a nearby trail! The weather forecast is looking pretty good so far!
  • Build a blanket fort and bring some books inside…spend the afternoon reading in there!
  • Play some board games.
  • Do some crafts.
  • Check out East Coast Art Party (on Facebook)…they’re putting up free online painting tutorials again!

Zoom Calls

It was so wonderful to be able to connect via Zoom last week! We’ll be doing it again this week…TWICE! We will meet on Tuesday @ 11:00AM (note that it is 30 minutes earlier than last time) and again on Thursday @ 11:00AM. Information regarding what to bring to the Zoom call will be given on Seesaw on Monday. It would be very helpful to ensure that your child is able to view the Zoom meeting in “Gallery View”, which will allow them to see the entire class on the screen. This was an issue last week.

Here is a link to some instructions for setting the meeting to Gallery View for those who were not able to do so last week:

Student Participation:

Daily emphasis will be placed on literacy, numeracy, and health & wellness.  Most of the students’ daily assignments and classwork will be graded in all elementary Language, Phonics, Reading, and Math courses. Students who do not complete the graded assignments during the period of remote-learning will be expected to complete them once they return to school in order to acquire a grade in these courses for second quarter.  Please ensure that daily work in Math and Language are completed in full.

Weekly Elementary Online Schedule:

Throughout the period of remote-learning, students can expect to see daily posts  from their elective courses based on the schedule below:

  • Monday:  Science (Gr 1 – 6), French (1-6)
  • Tuesday:  Social Studies (Gr 1 – 6)
  • Wednesday: Bible (Gr 1 – 6),
  • Thursday: Music (Gr 1 – 6),  Social Studies (Gr 5/6)
  • Friday:  Art (Gr 1 – 6), Science (Gr 5/6)

Once again, many thanks to you all for all the hard work you have been doing this month!

Mrs. Smylie