Well, we finally had some real snow to play in…at least for a couple of days! I trust that everyone stayed safe if the less pleasant weather this extended weekend.
It is hard to believe that there are only 3 weeks left in the second quarter of the school year! As we begin another week, please take note of the following announcements.
Due to the storm day on Friday, the quiz for Spelling List 13 will take place on Monday. List 14 will be introduced and the quiz will be held on Friday.
Just a friendly reminder that Mondays are our day to visit the school library. Please ensure that the book your child borrowed last week is returned to school prior to each library visit.
Language Arts
During lunch periods over the past few months, I have been reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe to the class. As we finished the book last week, we began watching the BBC version of the film adaptation on Thursday during our Language Arts class. The purpose of watching the film is to have the students compare and contrast the two forms, as well as express their opinion by stating which form they preferred and why. We will continue viewing the film throughout the week.
This Week’s Assessments
Monday, January 16th – Spelling Quiz 13
Wednesday, January 18th – Math Test 6
Friday, January 20th – Spelling Quiz 14
Important Dates
Monday, January 30 – Thursday, February 2 – Midterm Exams for Junior and Senior High School students
Friday, February 3 – Semester Turnaround Day (No Classes)
Thursday, February 9 – Quarter 2 Report Cards are published
Thursday, February 9 – Parent-Teacher Conferences for Elementary students (5pm-7pm)
Friday, February 10 – Parent-Teacher Conferences for High School students (9:30am-12pm)– NO SCHOOL
See you all on Monday!
Mrs. Smylie