Dear Parents,

Thank you so much for all your hard work last week.  I am proud of each one of my students for how well they did in completing all their work. Know that I appreciate all of you and the support that you are giving to your child.   I am praying for you and your child  through this time of online learning.

Here is some information for the upcoming week:

Student Participation:

Daily emphasis will be placed on literacy, numeracy, and health & wellness.  Most of the students’ daily assignments and classwork will be graded in all elementary Language, Phonics, Reading, and Math courses. Students who do not complete the graded assignments during the period of remote-learning will be expected to complete them once they return to school in order to acquire a grade in these courses for second quarter.  Please ensure that daily work in Math and Language are completed in full.

Weekly Elementary Online Schedule:

Throughout the period of remote-learning, students can expect to see daily posts  from their elective courses based on the schedule below:

  • Monday:  Science (Gr 1 – 6), French (1-6)
  • Tuesday:  Social Studies (Gr 1 – 6)
  • Wednesday: Bible (Gr 1 – 6),
  • Thursday: Music (Gr 1 – 6),  Social Studies (Gr 5/6)
  • Friday:  Art (Gr 1 – 6), Science (Gr 5/6)

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to me at

Have a great week,

Mrs. Barton