Dear Families,

Happy New Year! I sincerely hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and made beautiful memories together as we celebrated Christ’s birth. Thank you for the lovely cards and gifts that were sent in. I am so thankful we continue to be able to learn in-school each day. What a blessing. Please ensure your child brings a mask to school each day and comes fully prepared for playing in the snow at recess (boots, hats, mitts, warm coats, and even an extra pair of socks in their backpacks may be wise). Also, please note thate before the Christmas break your child brought home a little cards for mathletics that has their username and password so they can access some of the math practice games at home.

Tests: This week students will have a phonics test on Wednesday, a math test on Thursday, and our usual spelling test on Friday. Spelling lists were sent home before the break, but will be sent home a second time in case any were lost in the hustle and bustle of the holiday.

Show and Tell: On Friday each student is invited to bring in one small item they gave or received for Christmas to tell the class about. Items need to be small enough to fit in their backpacks. If your child really wants to show something larger, please email me a picture of the item which I’ll display to the class instead of bringing large items to school. Show and tell times are a great way to work on presentation skills.

I’m looking forward to great start for 2021!

Mrs. Bryenton