Grade 5 parents,

This past week was a busy one as students compared research information and filled in gaps for their biography project in language. Students are now prepared to begin typing up their brief biography on their chosen individual. Last week we converted measurements and reviewed previously learned material in math. This week we will have a story problem formula review and discuss greater than and less than.

Homework Reminder

Last week students began writing their homework in their agendas every morning. It is expected that students bring home their agenda every day and have it signed by a guardian. In doing so, it is much less likely that students will come to school the following day unprepared. Because this is a new procedure, consider reminding your child to get out their agenda after school.


Monday – Students should have both their Venn Diagram and Biography Graphic Organizer for language class today. Please ensure your child brings these items to school if they are not already in their desk.


Wednesday – Math Test

Friday – Spelling Test

Have a wonderful week,

Mrs. MacDougall