Hello Parents,
It’s such a beautiful Friday afternoon. I hope you all have had a chance to enjoy today. Please take note of the following items related to our Grade Two class this week.
The week in Grade Two:
Math: This week students will continue to learn about place value, we will begin four digit addition with carrying, as well as learn about mixed numbers and fractions.
Language Arts: Student will be studying list # 17. Each list will now contain three vocabulary words where they will be expected to know how to spell the word, the definition of the word and how to use it in a sentence. Each night when practicing your child’s spelling list, don’t forget to also practice the vocabulary.
Last week, we began to read the first chapter “The Sword in the Tree” by Clyde Robert Bulla. This is your child’s first novel study. Throughout the novel we will explore new vocabulary, learn about character sketches, the writing process, and organizing ideas as they respond to each chapter. This work will be done in class together as this is their first experience with a novel study. Students will also be assessed on comprehension and fluency as we read through the novel.
Social Studies: This week students will continue to learn about the landforms within the Canadian Shield region.
Valentines Day
Valentines Day is this Monday. In class on Monday afternoon we will have a Valentines Day celebration. If you wish, your child may bring in valentines for the class. You may also bring a treat to share. Please remember that treats must be store bought and prepackaged.
Assessments this week:
Wednesday – Math Test
Thursday- Phonics Test
Friday – Spelling list # 17 Test
Dates to Remember:
- Monday, Feb. 21 – Islander Day (No School)
- Friday, Mar. 4 – Professional Development Day (No School)
- Monday, Mar. 14-18 – March Break (No School)
Enjoy your Week!
Mrs. Barton