Dear Parents,
It was wonderful to be together in class again last week. Students will do last week’s spelling test tomorrow. The will come home with a new list today and we will have that test on Monday, Feb. 14 to allow student adequate time to prepare (this does not apply to ESL students). Please note parent-teacher conferences are this week. If you have not received an email from me, I don’t have any significant concerns about your child that require an interview at this time.
COVID Screening and testing:
As directed by the CPHO, parents are asked to complete the self-screening questionnaire for their child daily, as well as completing rapid tests throughout the week before sending them to school. We are requesting that rapid tests are administered on Monday and Wednesday morning this week. Please visit our website for the COVID-19 Self-Screening Questionnaire.
Upcoming Dates to Remember:
- Thursday, Feb. 10 – Report Cards
- Thursday, Feb. 10 – Elementary Parent-Teacher Conferences (5pm-7pm)
- Friday, Feb. 11 – Jr/Sr High Parent-Teacher Conferences (9:30am-12pm) (No School)
- Monday, Feb. 21 – Islander Day (No School)
- Friday, Mar. 4 – Professional Development Day (No School)
- Monday, Mar. 14-18 – March Break (No School)
Have a great week!
Miss Kennedy