Dear Parents,
Love of reading week was a great success. Students were very excited to participate in the various activities and theme days last week. This week we will be learning about the 10 Addition Family, the “quarter to” concept of time, pronouns, facts about our province, and some new special sounds. Please help your child remember to bring a mask to school each day. We do a lot of singing to remember concepts in Gr. 1 and we still have students forgetting masks at home almost daily. Library day is Wednesday. Students are excited to be tracking their reading progress on the heart charts that were sent home last week. Please continue to fill those out to help our class reach our reading goal.
Homework: Students will be studying for their spelling test and completing one sight words page.
Tests: Please note that our spelling test will be on Thursday this week. Students will also have a verb and noun test on Tuesday and a letters and sounds test on Monday.
Important Dates
- Friday, February 26 – Professional Development Day (No School)
- Monday, March 8 – Spring Pictures
- Monday, March 15 – Friday, March 19 – March Break (No School)
Have a wonderful week! God bless!
Mrs. Bryenton