Believe it or not, we are already half-way through February! I can’t help but feel so grateful that we continue to be able to come to school every day. We are truly very blessed!
As we gear up for the second half of the month, please take note of the following announcements:
What’s Going On
This week in Math, the students will continue learning about fractions. In Language Arts, we will be wrapping up our unit on commas (there will be a test on Thursday); we also started the novel Secret in the Maple Tree, which is a generally well-loved story in Grade 3! In Social Studies, we will continue our study of North America by researching the natural resources and major industries of the continent.
Love of Reading Week
Mrs. Biech has prepared a week of activities for us to enjoy! Love of Reading Week is back once again, and here are the daily activities that your child is welcome and encouraged to participate in:
Terrific Titles Tuesday – Bring a favorite book to school
Wild Wednesday – Bring a “wild” friend to read with today
Theatrical Thursday – Dress up as a book character
Fantastic Friday – Dress in your favorite color and bring in your coloring sheet for a prize.
Winter Storms and Dressing for the Weather
Last week’s storm left us with quite a bit of snow to play in (and there is surely more on the way)! Please make sure that your child has the proper winter clothing to wear outside. A warm winter jacket, snow pants, a pair of winter boots, a hat, and mittens or gloves are all necessary for safe play in the winter months.
Assessments This Week
Wednesday: Math Quiz #9
Thursday: Grammar Test (Using Commas)
Friday: Spelling Quiz 18
Dates to Remember
Monday, Feb. 15th: Islander Day (NO SCHOOL)
Tuesday, Feb. 16th – Friday, Feb. 19th: Love of Reading Week
Friday, Feb. 26th: PD Day (NO SCHOOL)
Wishing you all a lovely long weekend!
~Mrs. Smylie