
Week of April 4 in Grade 4

A beautiful day today to end the weekend!  Hope you all found time to enjoy your weekend to get ready for another busy week in class!

Easter Eggs

I mentioned to the class last week about bring in a dozen plastic eggs (the ones that can be filled).  The 12 pack at Dollarama for $1.25 are the exact size and amount needed.  Color does not matter.  This is for a special activity I am hoping to complete with them during our Enrichment time on Friday.  If you are unable to get some for your child, please let me know and I will make sure they have what they need.

Bible Verse

The students have been practicing at school (and hopefully at home) for their verse quiz on Tuesday, April 5 with Mrs. McGonnell.  This is a long passage and every little bit of practice will help them be prepared for Tuesday.

Assessments This Week

Tuesday – Bible Verse Quiz
Wednesday – Language Quiz
Thursday – Math Test
Friday – Language Test, Spelling Quiz 19

Dates to Remember

April 4 –  Spring Picture Day
April 8 – End of 3rd Quarter
April 13 –  Parent-Teacher Conferences (Elementary) (EVENING)
April 14 – Parent-Teacher Conferences (High School) (NO SCHOOL)
April 15 – Good Friday (NO SCHOOL)
April 18 – Easter Monday (NO SCHOOL)

Have a great week!

Mrs. Biech

2022-04-03T16:03:47-03:00April 3rd, 2022|
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