As the sun shines in this afternoon, the hope of spring is growing.  I pray that your family was able to rest and reflection on the sacrifice and gift of hope that comes through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Writing – Interview

Now that we have entered fourth quarter, we will be spending more time on the development of our writing skills.  That being said, students will primarily be working on assignments in class, but there may be times that some work will need to come home to be completed.  Please be sure your child completes these tasks to ensure the ability to move to the next stage of writing with the rest of the class.

This week, your child will come home with a topic and some interview questions for a grandparent (or parent/aunt/uncle if needed).  They will be asking some questions in preparation for a nonfiction narrative we will be writing over the next week or so.  Please help your child complete these questions to use in class.


Friday – Spelling Quiz, Math Test

Have a great week!

Mrs. Biech