It’s back to a full week this week! As we prepare for the coming week, please take note of the following announcements.
What’s Going On?
We will have our Spelling Quiz for List 24 (last week’s list) on Monday, as last week was a shorter week. We will introduce List 25 on Monday, and the quiz will be on Friday. In Math, student have begun learning about mixed numbers and will be looking at how to write a remainder as a fraction this week. Last week’s Math Quiz was postponed until this Wednesday. In Language Arts, we have been spending time on simple, compound, and complex sentences. It has been a challenge, and we will be spending at least another week in review mode. We have nearly finished reading Secret in the Maple Tree, and will begin working on our very first book report towards the end of this week. In Social Studies, the students have been working diligently on their Province Project, which should be completed by the end of April.
Canadian Achievement Test (CAT)
Last week, GCS students from Kindergarten through to Grade 12 wrote a Canadian Achievement Test. The CAT is a testing system that assesses the essential learning outcomes of the following basic skill areas: reading, language, spelling, and mathematics. Essentially, as well as being a tracker of learning abilities, the CAT also evaluates how well students perform in comparison to other students across Canada as a whole. Although this made for some heavy days, I have to say that I am very proud of the Grade 3 students for showing their determination and grit when faced with this experience! Way to go!
Important Dates
- Friday, May 7 – PD Day (NO SCHOOL)
- Thursday, May 20 – Arts Coffee House (more information to come…)
- Monday, May 24 – Victoria Day (NO SCHOOL)
This Week’s Assessments
Monday – Spelling Quiz #24
Wednesday – Math Quiz #12
Friday – Spelling Quiz #25
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Mrs. Smylie