Welcome to Fourth Quarter! It hardly seems possible that we are only 10 weeks away from the end of the school year! Now THERE’S a sobering thought! As we begin a new week, please take note of the following announcements:
Operation Pollination
We continue to collect empty cans, bottles, and juice boxes to help fund our project. THANK YOU to everyone who has been sending in their “empties”. We have purchased the supplies to begin the indoor portion of this project: The Pollination Station (credit to Ezra Allin for the name!) We will be planting seeds this week and praying over our soon-to-be plants. We ARE still collecting empty cans/bottles/juice boxes as we also hope to purchase some well-established plants/bushes when the weather is warmer!
Spelling This Week
As this week is a very short one, the Spelling Quiz for List 23 will be next Tuesday, April 19th.
Upcoming Assessments
Wednesday, April 13th: Math Quiz 11
Tuesday, April 19th: Spelling Quiz 23
Dates to Remember
Wednesday, April 13th: Parent-Teacher Conferences (Elementary) (EVENING)
Thursday, April 14th: Parent-Teacher Conferences (High School) (NO SCHOOL)
Friday, April 15th: Good Friday (NO SCHOOL)
Monday, April 18th: Easter Monday (NO SCHOOL)
That’s all for now!
Mrs. Smylie