Hello Grade 6 GCS Family,
A full school week has gone by! 5 full days!
Grade 6 finished their Social Studies unit on the Canadian Government this past week, and on Monday we moved into discussing World War One. We hope to understand the experiences of Canadians both on the frontline and back at home during our study of World War One.
Thank you to the Grade 6 parents for all they have done to help their children succeed through the past 2 months. I have prayed for the growth of the Grade 6 students and I am excited to see them making progress.
Some important reminders:
Remembrance Day Service
Friday, November 8th, marks the date for Grace Christian School’s annual Remembrance Day service. The service will begin at 2:00 pm and last for approximately one hour. We welcome GCS parents to attend the service. We are asking for your help in inviting veterans and current serving members of the military to the service. If you know that a veteran or service person will be in attendance as a result of your invitation, please contact Mrs. Thompson at pthompson@gcspei.ca and give her the individual’s name, rank, and field of service. Also, Mr. Ellis is once again preparing a Power Point to be played during the service; therefore, we are soliciting photographs of family members who served during the World Wars, the Korean War, the Afghanistan conflict, or in peace-keeping. Any photos received will be scanned and returned in a timely manner. We understand that they are family treasures. Photos can also be scanned at home and e-mailed to the school at jellis@gcspei.ca. Please indicate the name, rank, field of service, arena and time served (e.g. Corporal Joe Smith, army, France, 1939-1945) of the individual pictured, as well as the relationship to your student (e.g. great-uncle of Katie Jones, grade three). Please note that photos shared in previous years are on file and do not need to be re-submitted, but, if adjustments or corrections are required, please send that information. New photos and/or adjustments must be received by Mr. Ellis no later than 3pm, Monday, November 4th.
Online Lunch Program
We are excited to announce the implementation of our new online ordering and payment platform, Green Apple Pay. This platform will allow parents and students to order items from the Milk & Lunch Program. Green Apple Pay will be the only method of ordering from the milk and lunch program so it is important that you take the time to log in and set up your parent account. Please follow these four simple steps to start the login process:
1. Click the following link https://gcs.greenapplepay.com/site/request-password-reset and enter your email address (the one registered with GCS).
2. Green Apple Pay will then send the password reset link to that email.
3. Click the link in your email to navigate to the page where you set-up your new password.
4. Once your password has been reset, you can login to https://gcs.greenapplepay.com using your email as the username and using your new password.
If you have any questions, please contact Selena Ellis at office@gcspei.ca
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday evening (November 14) from 6-9pm and Friday morning (November 15) from 10am-12pm. More information will be sent home in the coming days outlining how you can schedule interview times for your child’s teachers.
Important Dates
Nov 8 – Remembrance Day Service
Nov 11 – Remembrance Day (No Classes)
Nov 14 – Report Cards / Parent Teacher Interviews
Nov 15 – Parent Teacher Interviews (No Classes)
Nov. 23 – Annual Pancake Breakfast (8am – 11am)
World War One News Article – Due Monday November 4
Genius Hour Project – Due Friday November 8
Grammar Test – Tuesday November 5
Bible Quiz – Wednesday November 6
Math Test – Friday November 8
Have a good weekend,
Mr. Olsen