Happy Mother’s Day! And a huge thanks to you moms who have changed your schedules of the last many weeks, working with your children daily to make sure their educational needs are being met, as well all of the other needs they have.  You have, and will continue, to make such a difference in how they view this unusual time.  Thank you again.

Look below for the weekly schedule and notice some differences in expectations.  We may skip Math lessons or combine some.  I will be very specific in which questions to complete.  For Language, we will be mostly completing some activities about our novel we just finished.  Be sure to have students read each of the daily posts about tasks, making Math and Language the main priority.


Math – p. 225-226 (#1,2,3,4), p. 227-228 (#1,3,7)
Language – Mental Imagery – in gray folder (see Activities section)
  Compare/Contrast – choose ONE of the two pages in gray folder (see Activities section)
  Winn-Dixie Grammar – last page in gray folder (see Activities section)
Spelling – Vocabulary Match (see Activities section)

French: Students will read sentences from new dialogue after me in the activity video, then they will practice on their own. Once they have mastered the dialogue they will make a video of themselves reading the dialogue and post it. 

Science:  Students will investigate the surface tension of water and conduct an experiment to determine which solution creates the best bubbles!  

Physical Education: Remember to be participating in at least 20 minutes of physical activity every day. You’ll be logging this at the end of the week. If you haven’t submitted last week’s activity log, go back and do that today


Math – p. 229-230 (#1,2,3,4), Quiz 13
Language – Complete the Book Report form in the Activities section.  Practice and record a video yourself presenting the book report.

Social Studies:  Students should check in their Activities Tab for this week’s assignment.  Oral and written instructions are included.  A PowerPoint and a template are also included.


Math – p. 231-232 (#1,2,3), p. 233-234 (#1,2,3,4)
Language – Create a Candy Jingle (See Activities section)
Reading –  Read and Think 15

Bible:  Students will watch a short video called, God’s Story: Peter.  Please find this assignment in the activity tab, along with instructions of how to respond.  


Math – p. 235-236 (#1,2,3), p. 237-238 (#1,2,3,6)
Language – Book Report Choice Assignment (See Activities section)

Music: Stay tuned for Music Minute with Mrs. Wilting

Library:  Mrs. Biech will be posting a link to listen in.

Physical Education: Activity logs are due today. Check your Seesaw Activities.



Have a great week!

Mrs. Biech