I hope everyone had a wonderful time with friends and family over this longer week.  It is always a blessing to have a couple days to learn from other great Christian educators and being reminded that Christian education is such a precious gift for our families to be given.  Thank you for allowing our staff to opportunity for this time of reflection on our calling as Christian educators and relaxing with our colleagues.

Next week, our class has the opportunity to bless some seniors in our community.  We have been asked to do a short Remembrance Day service with the seniors at Chesapeake.  We are planning to go on November 6 to spend a couple hours with the seniors there.  Further details will come later this week with a permission slip.

Here are a few dates to remember for the coming weeks:


Tuesday: French Test
Friday: Math Test, Spelling Test

Important Dates

Nov. 8 – Remembrance Day Service
Nov. 11 – Remembrance Day (No Classes)
Nov. 14 – Report Cards; Parent Teacher Conferences (pm)
Nov. 15 – Parent Teacher Conferences (am – no classes)
Nov. 23 – Pancake Breakfast

Mrs. Biech