I hope everyone is taking time today to celebrate, enjoy, or relax with family. On Thursday, students had the opportunity to write on the board people and things for which they were thankful. Notes about family, friends, and God, our Savior, filled the board. We are so blessed and have much to be thankful for.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. (1 Chronicles 16:34)
No Class on Monday:
Just a reminder that Monday, Oct. 14th, is a Canadian holiday. We will not have classes. Classes will resume on Tuesday, Oct. 15th at 9:00 AM.
Science & Technology Week:
It’s that time of year again when staff and students of GCS celebrate our Creator and the wonder of science! We have lots of activities planned for next week, including a virtual dementia simulation, robotics challenges, the planting of hydroponic gardens, and boat building labs. Please note that Tuesday, October 15th is Dress like a STEAM Professional Day (STEAM standing for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math). That means that your child can come to school dressed as a person in any occupation that would use these disciplines. It is sure to be a fun-filled week of learning.
Friday: Spelling Test 6
Important Dates
October 14 – Thanksgiving (No Classes)
Oct 15 – 18 – Science & Technology Week
Oct 24 – 25 – ACSI Teachers Conference (No Classes)
Mrs. Biech