We had such a fun week!!!!

  • We finished up our short vowel sounds by making the shapes in play dough.
  • Number 9 was the big idea for today. We talked about what it looks like to be a team, then used 9 blocks in teams of two children to build towers etc.
  • Finished up our Vet Clinics
  • We dug up our fossils to see the shells we made. The expressions of joy and surprise was the best part of my day!
  • We finished off the day with home made apple sauce made with your apples! Thank you very much. Delicious!

Cool Days & Warmer Clothing:

Please remember that as the cooler days of autumn arrive, students should come prepared with a light coat or sweater for outdoors.  Students may also wish to have a sweater for class, as jackets are not permitted inside the classroom.

Next Week

Nest week we will begin learning our consonants.

We will be voting on a new community helper to investigate.

We will be learning the science of Goop.

Friday:  Show and tell this week will bring in something in the color RED.


PD Day- No Classes

As important as it is for your children to be learning and growing academically, so to is the case for us teachers.  On Friday, October 11th, students will not have classes as the teachers from GCS participate in a professional development day.


Important Dates

October 10 – Fall Pictures
October 11 – PD Day (No Classes)
October 14 – Thanksgiving (No Classes)

Have a wonderful weekend.


Mrs. Laura Perry