Week Three in Grade Three
A huge THANK YOU, once again, to Mrs. Bissett for filling in for me as I continued my recovery at home this past week! I am looking forward to officially returning to school on Monday!
Our school year is now well underway. Please take note of the following important information:
GCS Apparel & Online Store:
Visit our online GCS clothing store to get all of your school and athletic apparel. Show your school spirit with quality shirts, jackets, hoodies, and more. Shipping is free on orders of $75 or more, and there is a promo code (BTS15) that should provide a 15% discount on your total purchase (until Oct.1). Check it out: http://gracecs.entripyshops.com/
Elementary Cross-Country Event:
Students in grades 3-6 will be participating in an upcoming Cross Country Meet on Monday, October 7th. Additional information will be sent home with your child in the coming week in the form of a permission slip.
PD Day- No Classes
As important as it is for your children to be learning and growing academically, teachers also benefit from continued learning. On Friday, October 11th, students will not have classes as the teachers from GCS participate in a professional development day.
Important Dates
October 10 – Fall Pictures
October 11 – PD Day (No Classes)
October 14 – Thanksgiving (No Classes)
Assessments this Week
Thursday – Math Test 1
Friday – Spelling Test 3
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend and week ahead.
Mrs. Smylie