On Thursday, Feb. 27th, all GCS families are invited to Chocolate Bar Bingo from 6:30pm – 8:00pm. This will be a fun event for the whole family! Each person participating in Bingo must bring a full-sized chocolate bar to play.
This year’s event is hosted by the 2020 Jamaica Mission Team. Besides bringing a full-size chocolate bar, please plan to give a donation to help support the team as they prepare to minister to the people of Jamaica in May. This is not a GCS supervised event, so all children must be supervised by a parent to attend. We look forward to seeing everyone out Thursday night!
Cheer Showcase
Just a reminder to those involved that the Cheer Showcase will be held on Sunday, March 1 from 4:30-6:00pm at UPEI. The girls will be practicing again this Wednesday from 3:00-4:15pm in preparation for this event.
Have a blessed week, everyone!
Mrs. Smylie
Wednesday: Math Test 20
Thursday: Spelling Test 20
Important Dates
Feb. 27 – Chocolate Bar BINGO (6:30-8:00pm)
Feb. 28 – PD Day (no school)
Mar. 1 – Cheer Showcase at UPEI
Mar. 4 – Ski Day
Mar. 11– Skating (K-3)
Mar. 12 – Ski Day
Mar. 16-20 – March Break (no school)