Welcome to the middle of February…already!  How the time is flying!  Please take note of the following:


Although last week’s skating trip was cancelled, we are looking forward to heading to Brookvale for the day this Wednesday.  If you haven’t already done so, please be sure to send in the signed permission form, payment, and the completed yellow card tomorrow.  This will help us ensure that we are well prepared when we arrive at Brookvale on Wednesday.  Please remember to pack your child a lunch that does not require reheating, as we will not have access to any microwave.


Ms. Taylor Collette has now joined our class, as part of her teacher training, until March 13th.  I’m sure you will start to hear about hear (if you haven’t already!) as the days go by.

Wishing everyone a great week ahead,

Mrs. Smylie

Assessments This Week

No spelling test this week!

Thursday: Math Test 19

Important Dates:

February 19: Ski Day at Brookvale

February 28: PD Day (NO SCHOOL)