We are off to a fantastic beginning to the year thus far! Your child is learning to write informative and interesting sentences in Language, asking deep questions in Bible, tackling new math concepts, and growing in their understanding of their place in the world in Social Studies. It has been a full week! Now for week two!
After School Safety
Thank you, parents, for being attentive drivers in our busy parking at the end of the day. Please note that if you wish to remain and socialize with other parents after school, you must actively monitor your children. They may go to the school’s playground if they are with a watchful parent. Please be mindful that, when it is time for recess at school, the teachers set the boundary at the line of trees to ensure that students do not wander close to the ditch or the highway. Mrs. Arthurs and I kindly suggest that parents hold to the same boundary, to make following the rules during school hours easier. Thank you for your cooperation in this. The safety of all students is always our priority.
Road Closure
The City of Charlottetown will be shutting down the intersection of Capital Dr and Lower Malpeque/North River Road (the Tim Hortons/Esso intersection near the school) beginning this Monday, September 18 for two weeks. If you normally use this intersection to get to GCS in the morning/afternoon, please note that you will have to use an alternate route. Please allow yourself extra time to travel during the next two weeks so that you arrive before 9am; the traffic in Charlottetown will be considerably heavier. For a map outlining alternate routes, please send me an email and I will be happy to share.
Cross Country Club
Students in Gr 3-6 who wish to participate in after-school Cross Country training are asked to meet in the school gymnasium at 3:00 on Monday afternoon. Please wear proper footwear and clothing for running. Students should take a full water bottle to practice.
Milk and Hot Lunch Orders
Orders for milk and hot lunch are all collected on Wednesday morning. If your child is purchasing milk, orders must be placed a week in advance, with white milk costing $.50 and chocolate milk costing $.75. You may wish to pay for your child’s milk on a weekly basis or pay in advance, a month or two at a time. Milk ordered on Sept. 20 will be delivered to the students the following week (Sept. 25-29).
If there are hot lunch options for your child this week, a notice will go home on Monday. Please be on the lookout for one in the agenda.
Bible Memory Verse
Throughout the year, Mrs. McGonnell has the students learn verses from the Bible which they recite from memory in front of the class. We go over these verses every day as part of our morning routine. However, students need to study their verses at home to achieve mastery of them. Our first verse is our school’s theme verse for the year:
“Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)
Mathletics at Home
Finally, this week we went to the computer lab for the students’ first look at the new Mathletics! For those of you new to the school, Mathletics is an award winning interactive site that aims to improve maths skills through fun activities linked to the Canadian curriculum. Students earn points by completing activities and answering questions in Live Mathletics competitions. I enthusiastically encourage you to have a look at this excellent resource with your child at home. As a teacher, I appreciate how it fosters a love of learning math and is a safe, password protected program that children can use without the worry of advertisements and unwanted solicitation from other websites. Also, the site has had a makeover during the summer and looks better than ever!
Important Dates
October 6 – Professional Development Day (No Class)
October 9 – Thanksgiving (No Class)
October 16-19 – Science & Technology Week
October 19 – School Pictures
Remember to follow us on our social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Check out our new athletics pages as well on Facebook & Twitter!
Upcoming Assessments
Grade 3
- Friday – Spelling Test 2, Language Test 1
Grade 4
- Tuesday – Math Quiz 1, Language Quiz 1
- Friday – Spelling Test 2
Have a great week!
Mrs. Bouter