What a great start to 2019 we have had this week. The Grade Five students have been powering through fractions in Math class and learned how to create professional looking graphs using Google Sheets in Digital Literacy. I can’t wait to see their Science Fair projects in March. On that note, please take note of the following information:
It’s Science Fair Year:
This week students were asked to consider their science fair questions and to have them approved by Mrs. MacNeill. They have been provided with a step-by-step graphic organizer that will ensure they meet her expectations. They will be working through this document throughout the next 6 weeks, with several check-points along the way to keep them on track, however, most of the work will need to be completed at home so Mrs. MacNeill can conference with the students during their science blocks. The students will be assigned due dates for various components of the project. I have strongly encouraged the students in Grades 5 & 6 to seek guidance from their teachers, parents, and peers, as this is the first time they will be completing a science project of this scale on their own.
Our GCS Science Fair will be held on Tuesday, March 5. We look forward to sending 3 of the 26 elementary projects submitted to our Provincial Science Fair in late March.
Skating & Skiing For Elementary:
Although an official permission slip outlining all the details of the skating and skiing events for elementary will be sent home with your child in the future, I wanted to take a moment to give you the heads up that we will once again be participating in these activities throughout the months of February and March.
Students are not required to have their own ski gear, nor are they obligated to attend this event. Elementary students in grades 3 – 6 will ski twice throughout the winter months at Brookvale Provincial Ski Park and lessons will be provided for students who require them.
Students that wish to participate in skating must have their own skates and helmet. Students are not obligated to participate, however should they wish to, please make arrangements for them to acquire the proper skating equipment. Elementary students in grades 1 – 6 will skate three times throughout the winter months.
Upcoming Assessments
- Tuesday – Science Research (Website Approval)
- Wednesday – Weekly Pangram (Not for ESL students)
- Thursday – Spelling Test 14
- Friday – Math Test 5
Important Dates
- Feb 1- Professional Development Day (no school)
- Feb 7- Report Cards/Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Feb 8 – Parent-Teacher Conferences (no school)
- Feb 18 – Islander Day (no school)