Grade 5 families,
It is the final week of the second quarter. Last week the grade fives celebrated GCS Spirit day with 100% participation and won a pizza party. We have wrapped up our study on Ancient Rome in Social Studies and have continued reading Old Yeller in Language Arts, discussing topics such sympathy vs empathy, reading expression, and foreshadowing. In Math, students have been learning order of operations and multiplying decimals.
Genius Hour
Once a week, students are given the opportunity to research a topic of their choice. The grade fives have been working to create a 2-3 minute presentation on their chosen topic. Presentations began last week and those presenting this Monday should be aware. I’m eager to learn from the students as we develop our researching and presenting skills together.
Assignments and Assessments
- Tuesday – Ancient Rome Quiz
- Wednesday – Math Quiz
- Thursday – Spelling List 17 Quiz
Dates to Remember:
- Thursday, Feb. 4th – Report Card Day and Parent-Teacher Conferences (5pm-7pm)
- Monday, Feb. 15th – Islander Day (No school)
That’s all for now. See you next week.
Mr. Wood