I pray that everyone stayed safe through the wild weather this weekend!
Dressing for the Weather
The winter has certainly established itself, and so I would encourage you to make sure that your child has everything he/she needs to be able to enjoy outdoor time: winter jacket, snow pants, winter boots, mittens/gloves, a warm winter hat, scarf/neck warmer, as well as extra socks and mitts in case they get wet.
A Gentle Reminder
Lessons begin promptly at 9:00AM. All students should be in class and ready to start the day by this time. Outdoor supervision begins at 8:20AM, and students enter the school at 8:45AM. Your child should be arriving by this time in order to ensure that he/she has time to unpack his/her school bag and get homework written down in time to begin lessons at 9:00AM.
Assessments This Week
Last week’s storm days caused some delays in our work! We will be striving to catch up this week.
Tuesday: Plurals Test
Wednesday: Math Test 14
Friday: Spelling Test 15
Important Dates to Remember
Jan. 31 – Semester Turnaround Day (no school)
Feb. 6 – Report Card/Parent-Teacher Conferences
Feb. 7 – Parent-Teacher Conferences (no school)
Feb. 17 – Islander Day (no school)
Have a fabulous week!
Mrs. Smylie