… and before we know it…there are two weeks until

Christmas Holidays!

Last week our Kindergarten class contributed several bags of slippers and socks to the Sr’s home for Christmas.  Thank you families for the generosity shown towards our elders.  What a blessing it was. Mrs. MacNeill will share the details in a letter later this week.  Thank you again.

Did you see the Kindergarten video presentation?

Your children are adorable!!!

The children have been:

1) reading three letter words

2) putting those words in a sentence

3) using gestures to indicate the capital and period

They are gaining confidence with every effort.

I am so proud of all our classmates as they encourage each other along!

We also introduced reading the time to the hour.

Looking forward to another great week together.


Mrs. Laura Perry

Things to watch for:

Friday December 18th is a half day of school. Students are asked to be picked up at 12:00.