Dear Parents and Students,

The founding of Grace Christian School became a reality because of the vision and determination of those who recognized the need for quality education taught from a Biblical worldview.  We are delighted to be continuing God’s mission work here at GCS as we prepare to expand our facilities and accommodate the growing interest in Kingdom education.

The time has arrived to begin the construction of our new facilities. We are thrilled to announce that we are moving forward in developing and building new infrastructure to allow for greater growth in enrollment and to provide for the future success of our students in the disciplines of academics, athletics, technology, the arts, music, and English-language acquisition.  We invite all parents to join us on Monday, October 30, 2017 at 2:30 PM as our entire school community comes together to celebrate God’s timely blessing of new infrastructure at a sod-turning/ground-breaking ceremony.

Additional information will be sent home with your child in the coming days regarding new important protocols and procedures, as well as details outlining the specifics of the Buy A Brick Campaign.  Please continue to pray over us as we endeavor to follow God’s leading here at GCS.


是因为有那些认识到圣经世界观教育的重要性的人的认识和决定,Grace Christian学校才能成立实现。我们很高兴可以在GCS工作并继续完成上帝的使命和工作,同时我们准备扩张学校的设备并提供在上帝的王国教育中更多的兴趣。

现在是开始建设新设施的时候了。 我们很高兴向大家宣布,为了让学校能有更多的录取同时为我们学校学生提供在未来学术,田径,技术,艺术,音乐和英语语言学习中的成功,我们正在推动开发和建设新的基础设施,

我们邀请所有家长在周一,2017年10月30日下午两点半 (2:30),作为学校社区的一部分聚在一起以一个转折点的仪式来庆祝上帝对这些新设施的祝福恩赐。

更多有关草案和程序的信息将会在未来几天由您的孩子带回家,以及了解“购买砖块运动”的具体细节。 请继续为我们在努力跟随上帝领导着GCS学校而祈祷祷告。

We can not wait to celebrate this blessing with you all! 

Dr. Huizing