I almost can’t believe we are about to enter our last week of September already. Here are just a few announcements to keep you up to date:
GCS Lunch Program
The GCS Lunch Program will run every WEDNESDAY with the exception of a new Kings BBQ option which will be available to students in grades 4-12 every Thursday. Order forms will be sent home each Friday. All orders must be returned to your child’s homeroom teacher by the following TUESDAY by 10 AM. Although lunch forms will be sent home each week to indicate the options available, parents may also wish to check our online school calendar to plan ahead.
Menu items will include:
- GCS Café: Popcorn Chicken & Ice Cream – $4.00
- Little Caesar’s Pizza: Slice(s) of Pizza & a Cookie – $4.00
- GCS Café: Rice & Meatballs – $4.00
- Kings BBQ:
- Option 1: Chicken Fried Rice & Spring roll – $6.00
- Option 2: Shanghai Noodles & Spring Roll – $6.00
Milk Program
Orders for milk are also collected on Tuesday mornings. If your child is purchasing milk, orders must be placed a week in advance, with white milk costing $.50 and chocolate milk costing $.75. You may wish to pay for your child’s milk on a weekly basis or pay in advance, a month or two at a time.
PD Day- No Classes
As important as it is for your children to be learning and growing academically, so too is the case for us teachers. On Friday, September 28th, students will not have classes as the teachers from GCS participate in a professional development day.
Assignments & Assessments
Wednesday: Bible Memory Quiz
Thursday: Spelling Test 3
Thursday: Math Test 1 (this is a change to the normal schedule since classes are not running on Friday this week)
Mr. W.