**Correction from afternoon post…we will not be having a spelling or math test. Sorry for any panic that may have caused parents.

We are back in full swing here at GCS! It has been a week of getting back into our routines,  we are now back at it! As we approach our first five-day week of the New Year, please take note of the following announcements.

School Hours Reminder

Please remember that our doors open at 8:35 and the class start time for Elementary students is 8:45. Students should be in class by this time. When arriving later, even by five minutes, your child is missing important connection activities before school begins at the start of the day which can be stressful for him/her. Elementary students are dismissed at 2:45 and should be picked up at that time. 

VIP or Star of the Week Begins!

Beginning this week, we will have 1 student be our VIP or Star of the Week and hold special jobs and have show and tell as well as celebrate their birthday if they have not yet done so. I am excited to get to know your child deeper as they share 1 or 2 activities that are significant to them. I will send home information including suggestions to talk with your child about what they may want to share about themselves with us.

The last day of each school week I will send a page home with your child when they are the VIP for the following week as well as post it here on the blog.

This week we will have Jürgen as our VIP!

Important Dates

Friday, February 3 – Semester Turnaround Day (No Classes)
Thursday, February 9 – Quarter 2 Report Cards are published
Thursday, February 9 – Parent-Teacher Conferences for Kindergarten and Elementary students (5pm-7pm)
Friday, February 10 – Parent-Teacher Conferences for High School students (9:30am-12pm)– NO SCHOOL for Kindergarten and Elementary Students


Mrs. Perry