Hello GCS Grade 6 Family!
Thank you for embracing online learning and being flexible! It has been good to see students working hard from home.
Below is our schedule for next week. Please be aware that students will receive instructions every day on Seesaw for all courses. We are following the same course schedule as we had when school was in-person with the courses covered each day.
Math – Lesson 105, Area of a Triangle
LA – Read Ch. 9 in A Wrinkle in Time and complete double-entry journal. Answer comprehension questions.
Bible – Students will create a Bible journal page for the Bible verse Philippians 4:6. Students will find all activities for every Bible class by clicking on the activity tab in Seesaw.
Music – Stay tuned for Music Minute with Mrs. Wilting: Music, Movement and More
Social Studies – Continue to work on Heritage Fair
Gym – Start your first week’s log of daily activity. An email was sent to parents with a downloadable file to fill in every weekday. This will be due Monday, April 6th.
French – Make flashcards from the vocabulary on page 45. Video yourself showing the flashcard and saying the word. Post this in the French folder.
Gym – Daily activity log for each week is due on Mondays in the Gym folder.
Math – Lesson 106, Review of Area and Perimeter
LA – Read Ch. 10 in A Wrinkle in Time and complete double-entry journal. Answer comprehension questions.
Science – PSA Covid-19 Lesson: Using a list of key vocabulary words provided, students will research Covid-19 from credible sources. Students will then create a Public Service Announcement about Covid-19 that outlines the truth about Covid-19 and its effects in PEI/Canada. They will upload your video (public service announcement) on Friday to their Seesaw Science Folder.
Math – Lesson 107, Congruent Triangles
LA – Writing Exercise: IT
Bible – Students will watch a video from a series called “What’s in the Bible?”
Social Studies – Continue to work on Heritage Fair
Math – Lesson 108, General Review
French – Video yourself reading page 44. Write down the 4 seasons in French and underneath each season list 4 activities that you could do in each season. Post this on Seesaw. Don’t forget to use articles. Post this in the French folder.
LA – Grammar: Review of Nouns and Diagramming Nouns
Music – Stay tuned for Music Minute with Mrs. Wilting: Music, Movement and More
Bible – Students will submit a note on Seesaw in response to the video they watched. Share your favorite part or ask a question in response to something you learned
Math – Lesson 109, Introduction to the Circle
LA – Grammar: Review of Nouns and Diagramming Nouns
Gym – Daily activity log for each week is due on Mondays in the Gym folder.
Science – PSA Covid-19 Video Submission
Gym – Daily Physical Education Expectations
- Daily exercise and getting outside every day should be a special part of your daily family routine – we recommend at least 20-30 minutes a day.
- An email will be sent home to all families with an activity log template and an example of how the log should be filled in. We will include some activities and ideas to do with your child from your home or neighbourhood. Please use your discretion and follow all of the PEI public heath’s directives.
- Make sure that it is submitted into the Gym folder on Seesaw each Monday.
- From time to time we will be asking your child to submit on Seesaw videos of themselves doing our physical Fitness weekly challenges.
- Making a daily log of physical activity will help you recognize progress In the five major areas of physical fitness:
- Core strength (sit-ups)
- Upper body strength (push-ups)
- Flexibility (stretching)
- Agility (shuttle run)
- Cardio endurance (kilometer run)
Heritage Fair Update
Grade 6 should upload an audio visual / video presentation of their Heritage Fair project to Google Drive and share with Mr. Olsen at jolsen@gcspei.ca by Tuesday, April 7th. This could include a video with a completed backboard or a Google Slide presentation with audio recorded for each slide (if some students were not able to purchase a backboard and supplies).
This presentation will be evaluated/judged.
Things to remember when recording a presentation:
What is in the background? Is the lighting appropriate? Am I looking at the camera? Is the camera appropriately positioned to capture the details of my board? Have I practiced what I am going to say enough that I can present my best?
Students should work towards completing their boards (or slides) and practice their presentations over the next week.
Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions.
Mr. Olsen