Dear Parents,

Thank you for a fantastic school year. It is my prayer that your student progressed well in their English language skills, learned more about Jesus, and became more loving due to their learning experience at GCS this year.

With so many students leaving before the last day of school, I wanted to remind you the policy for students leaving before the last day of school remains: “all year end reports, report cards, awards, summer packets, and reference letters will not be available until after school closing” – June 26, 2018. These documents are not shipped around the world. However, originals are in the office in August, as the school office is closed in July. If you would like a PDF of your student’s report card and the summer ESL packet of pre-vocabulary, you can email me at This must be sent before the student leaves GCS for the summer.

亲爱的家长: 感谢您和我们一起度过了精彩的一年。我祈祷您的学生能够在英语上进步,学习更多关于 基督上帝的事情,以及因为今年他们在 GCS 学校所经历的事情而成为更加有爱的人。

由于有许多学生会在学校结业前离开,我想提醒您学生能够在结业前离开的政策是: “所有年终报告,成绩单,暑假包,推荐参考信都不会在 6 月 26 日(结业日)前被发出”。 这些文件不能寄出。然而,原件会在八月份保留在学校办公室,因为办公室在 7 月份会关 闭。如果您需要学生成绩单的 PDF 和暑假 ESL 预习词汇的 PDF 文件,可以发邮件到 请您在学生暑假离开 GCS 前发给老师。
