Greetings! I hope everyone has had a wonderful sunny Sunday! Take note below of all information regarding our grade two class.

Agenda Signature

To ensure that students are completing their reading, spelling, vocabulary, and verse practice please sign each day of the week in their agendas to acknowledge that your child has completed their homework. Also, please continue to check your child’s blue folder for make up work.

Chocolate Bar Bingo
On Thursday, Feb. 27th, all GCS families are invited to Chocolate Bar Bingo from 6:30pm – 8:00pm. This will be a fun event for the whole family! Each person participating in Bingo must bring a full-sized chocolate bar to play.

This year’s event is hosted by the 2020 Jamaica Mission Team. Besides bringing a full-size chocolate bar, please plan to give a donation to help support the team as they prepare to minister to the people of Jamaica in May. This is not a GCS supervised event, so all children must be supervised by a parent to attend. We look forward to seeing everyone out Thursday night!

Cheer Showcase

Students in grades 1-6, who are a part of our elementary cheer teams, will be performing their yearly routine at UPEI on Sunday, March 1st. Doors open at 3:30, with a 5$ admission (children 8 and under get in for free).

Tests this Week

There will be no tests this week. Because of the scheduled PD day on Friday, we will not have our weekly spelling test. Students will have two weeks to practice list 17 and will be tested on Friday, March 6th.

Important Dates

February 26th – Extra cheer practice (3:00-4:15)
February 27th – Chocolate Bar BINGO (6:30-8:00pm)
February 28th – PD Day (no school)
March 1st – Cheer Showcase at UPEI
March 16th-20th – March Break (no school)


Mrs. MacDougall