Friday December 8, 2017

This year we are very pleased to be presenting the musical Christmas Shop around the Corner for our annual Christmas program to take place on Thursday, December 14th, with a matinee performance at 1:30 pm and an evening performance at 6:30 pm. Please take note that the dress code for the concert is red, silver, white, or black clothing. The students will look super sharp the night of the performance!

*part time students can stay for the entire day on  Monday and Wednesday for practice

*please pick up your child outside the church doors at 3:00pm. Mrs. Squires and I will be there with the children waiting for you to come and get them.

Your children are enjoying reading time in class each afternoon.

It is wonderful to see the pride they take in reading their little books to each other and to me.

We have been working on the Teen family of numbers this week. (10-19)

Monday: Computers, Gym and Concert Practice

Tuesday: Reading buddies, Music, Art

Wednesday: Chapel, Milk Money and Lunch Money due please; and Concert Practice

Thursday: Music; please return Library books today; Concert begins at 1:30 remember dress code for the concert is red, silver, white, or black clothing.

Evening performance begins at 6:30pm.

**Please have your child use the washroom and be in our classroom by 6:00pm. Remember dress code for the concert is red, silver, white, or black clothing.

Friday: Computers and Gym, Library

Have a good weekend everyone.

Be safe on the roads this weekend.

See you Monday.

God Bless,


Mrs. Perry