Can you believe we are only days away from celebrating the birth of Jesus, our Saviour? The countdown is on inside our classroom, but before we enjoy our Christmas Break, please take note of the following announcements:
Christmas Theme Days:
Throughout the final week of classes, students are invited to dress up in their finest Christmas attire to help close out this portion of the school year.
- Monday: Ugly or Tacky Christmas Sweater Day: I don’t have a Christmas Sweater, so I plan on pinning Christmas Tree decoration to my sweater to make it “tacky”
- Tuesday: Pajama Day please remember to wear undergarments and brush those teeth before coming to school
- Wednesday: Red & Green Day
- Thursday: Christmas Character Day (Christmas story or book or movie)
- Friday: Christmas Hat Day (dollar store or homemade)
Christmas Break Tidy:
Please remind your children to take all their personal belongings home over the holidays. This includes their snow-pants, mittens, hats, scarves, extra footwear, water bottles, and any poster-boards and projects they may have taken into their classroom. Any of these items left behind will be donated or disposed of.
Library Books:
Students are being asked to return all their library books before Christmas Break. If you are unsure if you have returned all your resources, please see Mrs. Biech early this coming week.
Half-Day of School:
This Friday, December 21st, students will be dismissed from school at 12:15 to begin their Christmas Break. Classes will resume on January 7th at 9:00 AM.
Holiday Wishes:
On behalf of all the students and staff at GCS, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a blessed beginning to the New Year. May you all find time over the Christmas season to enjoy time with your family and reflect on the miracle that gives us all a reason to celebrate.
Mrs. Perry