Week 16 in Grade 5

2021-01-03T15:05:59-04:00January 3rd, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  Happy New Year! I hope you’ve all had a wonderful Christmas break and are excited for the new year ahead. I’m looking forward to hearing about students’ favourite Christmas moments. As you prepare your children to return to school tomorrow, please remember to send them with their non-medical mask. The end [...]

Week 15 in Grade 5

2020-12-13T16:26:24-04:00December 13th, 2020|

Grade 5 families,  We have arrived at our last week of the 2020 school year. Friday will only be half of a day and we have Christmas theme days planned for each day this week to celebrate. I hope and pray that you have a wonderful Christmas holiday this year, despite the current situation. [...]

Week 14 in Grade 5

2020-12-06T14:53:15-04:00December 6th, 2020|

Grade 5 families, With only 2 weeks left until Christmas break I am thankful for how well our year is going. We will be wrapping up our study on Ancient Egypt in Social Studies and expanding our skills with multiplying fractions in Math. In Language Arts, students will be reflecting on their reading of [...]

Week 13 in Grade 5

2020-11-27T12:31:25-04:00November 27th, 2020|

Grade 5 families, This quarter is flying by as we now have only 3 weeks left until Christmas break. Tuesday will be the last day to bring in hair brushes, combs, shampoo, and conditioner for the Christmas Outreach Project. Please read the announcements below for more information.  Christmas Outreach Project (Dec.1) As we prepare [...]

Week 12 in Grade 5

2020-11-21T11:56:25-04:00November 21st, 2020|

Thank-you for your partnership with myself and GCS as a whole. You play an important role in your child’s education, and I appreciate your communication and support. As we continue into the second quarter remember that you can check your child’s progress on MySchoolManagement at gcs.myschoolmanagement.com.  Logging into it will allow you to view [...]

Week 11 in Grade 5

2020-11-14T05:52:23-04:00November 14th, 2020|

I hope you are all enjoying this weekend so far and that you have found some time to rest and refresh. The grade 5 students are learning how to use and calculate fractions in various ways in Math. In Social Studies we’ll be studying ancient Egypt. I’m looking forward to seeing students’ creativity as [...]

Week 10 in Grade 5

2020-11-07T16:53:13-04:00November 7th, 2020|

Last week marked the end of the first quarter at GCS. It’s been a great start to the year and I’ve been blessed with a great group of students. This week will be a short week as there will be no school on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Please take note of a couple announcements [...]

Week 9 in Grade 5

2020-11-01T19:03:58-04:00November 1st, 2020|

Can you believe we’ve just about made it through the first quarter of the year already? The Grade Five students continue to amaze me, and I’m excited to start new units this week in Language Arts and Social Studies. We’ll be studying poetry in Language Arts and introduce students to a new form of [...]

Week 8 in Grade 5

2020-10-25T17:50:01-03:00October 25th, 2020|

WEEK 8 Thank you for celebrating Science and Tech Week with us at GCS last week. We have begun our Fractions unit in Math and are wrapping up sentence diagramming in Language Arts. In Social Studies we have quickly travelled through 5,000 years of history, studying famous people, inventions, and events. We’ll finish our [...]

Week 7 in Grade 5

2020-10-18T14:33:42-03:00October 18th, 2020|

We are well on our way through the first quarter of the year and are beginning to prepare for report card season. Please read the following announcements: Science and Tech Week This week is Science & Technology Week at GCS.  Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics programs will be highlighted throughout the week. Wednesday, Oct [...]

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