Week 25 in Grade 5

2021-03-07T10:00:50-04:00March 7th, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  We were thankful to have at least a couple days of school last week and hoping for a full week ahead of us. In Social Studies students discussed the importance of rules as we learned about the Benedictine Rule of the Monks in the Middle Ages. In Math we continued our [...]

Week 24 Update

2021-03-01T11:35:57-04:00March 1st, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  This is an update regarding the recent changes to school week. We will NOT be transitioning to full online learning. Please watch for updates as the current circumstances within our province evolve. In the meantime, there are a few learning activities students should participate in for the next couple days.  Spelling [...]

Week 24 in Grade 5

2021-02-28T17:58:41-04:00February 28th, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  This past week (if we could call it that), students have begun studying non-fiction writing in Language Arts. In Math, students learned how to create graphs from collected data on Google Sheets. In Social Studies, we discussed what it means to be influential and studied a few influential people from the [...]

Week 23 in Grade 5

2021-02-21T14:04:08-04:00February 21st, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  Last week we celebrated Love of Reading Week with a variety of reading centered theme days and reading challenges. Students were sent home with Heart Charts as a reading challenge, and they are strongly encouraged to spend extra time reading over the next few weeks so that they can fill up [...]

Week 22 in Grade 5

2021-02-15T17:46:46-04:00February 15th, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  We’ve had a great start to the 3rd quarter in Grade 5. It seems like winter has finally decided to stay and give us a couple snow days. I hope you’ve had the chance to enjoy the snow. Last week we discussed the idea of light and dark imagery in writing [...]

Week 21 in Grade 5

2021-02-07T15:27:06-04:00February 7th, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  Thank you to everyone who came to parent-teacher meetings with me on Thursday last week. With only two full days in school last week, there’s not much to report. However, in Language Arts, students have been working on writing a creative narrative. We’ll be starting a unit on the Middle Ages [...]

Week 20 in Grade 5

2021-02-01T20:41:46-04:00February 1st, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  With the first half of the year behind us, I am excited to jump into the second half this week. In Language Arts students have been writing personal narratives and have begun writing a creative narrative. In Math we have worked on multiplying decimals, estimating and rounding. In Social studies we [...]

Week 19 in Grade 5

2021-01-24T14:42:35-04:00January 24th, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  It is the final week of the second quarter. Last week the grade fives celebrated GCS Spirit day with 100% participation and won a pizza party. We have wrapped up our study on Ancient Rome in Social Studies and have continued reading Old Yeller in Language Arts, discussing topics such sympathy [...]

Week 18 in Grade 5

2021-01-17T13:00:56-04:00January 17th, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  I am continually thankful for the opportunity to be teaching in school. We're almost halfway through the year. In Math class, students have been reviewing complex division and have begun working with decimals. In Language Arts students have been learning about moral and foreshadowing. In Social Studies we’ve transitioned to studying [...]

Week 17 in Grade 5

2021-01-08T15:45:00-04:00January 8th, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  We have had a great start back to school this past week. Students are progressing well on their Science Fair projects and have started working on algebraic equations in Math class. In Language Arts, we are into chapter 5 of our novel study of Old Yeller and have been learning about [...]

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