Week 35 in Grade 5

2021-05-24T21:17:16-03:00May 24th, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  Only 4 weeks left in the school year! Last week in Math, we reviewed geometry and began learning how to divide using decimals. In Language Arts, students have presented their speeches and will be working on their book reports for Number the Stars. In Social Studies, we began studying the Early [...]

Week 34 in Grade 5

2021-05-16T19:46:03-03:00May 16th, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  Only 5 weeks left in the school year! Last week in Math, we learned how to calculate the area of various shapes and the concept of square roots. In Language Arts, students started working on their book reports and have been practicing their speeches. In Social Studies, students finished their medieval [...]

Week 33 in Grade 5

2021-05-09T14:45:38-03:00May 9th, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  With only 6 weeks left in the school year, year-end plans are underway. Last week in Math, we learned how to calculate the perimeter of various shapes and will look at area this week. In Language Arts, students finished reading Number the Stars and will start working on a book report. [...]

Week 32 in Grade 5

2021-05-01T10:08:10-03:00May 1st, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  With only 7 weeks left in the school year, I am grateful to have had so much in-school learning this year. I hope you're having/had a wonderful weekend. Last week in Math, we began a unit in Geometry and will learn how to calculate the perimeter of various shapes this week. [...]

Week 31 in Grade 5

2021-04-25T19:35:21-03:00April 25th, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  The 4th quarter is off to a great start. Students have begun developing their skills in T-ball and track and field events. In Language Arts, students have learned about what to expect through the job application process and created an infographic resume. Students will be learning about effective speech writing this [...]

Week 30 in Grade 5

2021-04-18T08:50:08-03:00April 18th, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  I hope you’ve had a great weekend. Last week was a busy week with C.A.T. writing and report cards. Due to the C.A.T.s I informed the students that the regular spelling quiz (List 26) would be moved to this week. Remember that you can always check your “My School Management” account [...]

Week 29 in Grade 5

2021-04-11T17:05:10-03:00April 11th, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  It’s that time of year again. This week is report card week, and we begin our last quarter of the year tomorrow. We have been blessed to have a full year (so far) of in-school learning and pray that continues through to the end of the year. In Math class students [...]

Week 28 in Grade 5

2021-04-05T12:07:31-03:00April 5th, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  I hope you’ve been able to enjoy the long weekend and reflect as we celebrate Easter and Christ’s death and resurrection. Last week in Math students learned how to use formulas to convert temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit and back. In Language Arts students finalized their argumentative essays. In Social Studies [...]

Week 27 in Grade 5

2021-03-28T17:37:01-03:00March 28th, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  We had a beautiful week at school last week before getting hit with a storm over the weekend. I hope you are all doing well as we approach the end of the 3rd quarter. Grades 4-6 had the opportunity to visit the Orwell  Corner Historic Village and experience PEI life in [...]

Week 26 in Grade 5

2021-03-21T18:13:38-03:00March 21st, 2021|

Grade 5 families,  I hope you’ve all had a wonderful break. Classes will resume tomorrow as we continue our study of graphing in Math, The Middle Ages in Social Studies, and nonfiction in Language Arts.  Congratulations to the grade 5 class for pulling ahead of the Mathletics competition before the break. Remember that a [...]

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